Did you know:
Brain Damage Time Table
0 Minutes –
Breathing stops – Heart will soon stop beating
0-4 Minutes – Clinical Death
4-6 Minutes – Brain Damage
4+ Minutes – Biological Death
6-10 Minutes – Brain Damage Likely
10 + Minutes – Brain
Make sure environment is safe to enter
2. Check for unresponsiveness
(tap shoulders, clapping)
Call 911 Immediately
4. Check Airway
5. Check Breathing
6. Check Circulation
7. Always
wear a mouth barrier, such as face guard or face shield
8. NEVER give anything by mouth to a stranger, always be prepared with protection.
Some Important basic definitions:
Airway (A)
The Airway is the passage Air takes to get to the lungs. The most common cause of Airway blockage in an unconscious
patient is the tongue.
Breathing (B)
Breathing is when your body uses your lungs to move air in and our of your
system. Air contains 21% Oxygen. The human body only uses 4% out of the 21%. The air we exhale still contains 16% Oxygen,
this is why Artificial Respiration is successful in sustaining life in a non-breathing patient.
Circulation (C)
Without Oxygen, brain cells will start to die after 4-6 minutes. Once oxygen
is in the blood, it will get circulated by the heart through arteries in your body, most importantly, to the brain. Once you
have assessed Breathing, you must check to see if there are signs of circulation. This is done by checking the pulse at the
carotid artery.
Artificial Respiration (AR)
Is when a rescuer artificially breathes air into the lungs of
a victim that cannot breathe on their own.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Is when a rescuer artificially breathes air into the
lungs and circulates the O2 enriched blood through the body of a victim without a pulse