To become a member....
If you are 18 years of age or older, you are eligible to join our
Fire Department. The process is easy:
- Come to the Fire Department any Monday night. We hold drills on Monday's and most members are there.
Feel free to look around, ask questions, check out the appartatus.
- If you decide you want to join, come in on any Wednesday, between 7:30 and 9:30pm and ask any
officer for an application, fill it out and submit it.
- This is followed by a simple discussion of what you are looking to do in the department
All Members:
You would be responsible to pay monthly dues. $5.00 is
the yearly payment.
If you are at least 16 years of age, you would be
a junior firefighter. Your duties would be limited, but you would be able to train, go to drills, clean ups and basically
assist the other firefighters. The application process
There are several benefits to becoming a member of the New Fairfield Volunteer Fire Department. Besides doing something
that is both interesting and challenging, above all, you are doing a public service for your community. You provide
life saving protection from fire and other emergencies for both your own family and the families and businesses of your fellow
New Fairfield residents.